About Us
First for Art is an inclusive exhibition group, created to ensure all styles of art can be displayed via our exhibitions.
Our artists are professional painters, many experimenting with a different style from their norm. By encouraging, sharing, and supporting each other, we find the art on exhibition is eclectic, well-priced, and presented to a high standard. We do not pre-judge the art; we aim to simply assist our artists in their creative journey.
Since we began, numerous artists have showcased their work and taken their first steps to exhibit via the group, and in 2017 photography was introduced to our art exhibitions, embracing talented individuals who capture art with a camera. First for Art now organises a series of exhibitions to promote and include new art. We hope you find something to make you smile.
As a group we can secure venues at a more economical cost, which affords each artist the space to showcase their work in a balanced setting, accounting for all costs prior to when the exhibition begins. Art is sold commission-free, which means the artists don’t inflate their prices to cover an additional expense. Buyers pay the price set by the individual artists themselves.
Alongside original art, we include a selection of prints and cards based on the artists’ original works, to offer a wider range of items for our exhibition visitors.
The group consists of eight core member artists: – Dale Sheen, Rue Stanley, Richard Orr, Laurence Berle, Eszter Rigo, Rachel Laving Taylor, Susan Sheen, and Kirsty Mills. At every exhibition, we include space for various guest artists.
See when we are exhibiting next.